Monday, October 13, 2014

Special illustation request from my SON!

Recently I was very flattered to receive a 'special request' son! He lives 1,000 miles away in NYC, and out of the blue I get a message from him asking me to draw up a three panel piece featuring our beloved and recently departed family dog, Blaze. He didn't want a storyline or for it to be a gag but rather, simply, three images that would remind him of Blaze. __Panel 1)Blaze would often sleep with one of her giant basset hound ears covering her eyes. Panel 2) Blaze loved to chew on empty water bottles until the tops popped off. Panel 3) No matter what, Blaze always woke up in a good mood, and it was the family's delight to watch her funny little basset hound waddle-wiggle-walk as she strolled out of my son's bedroom to the kitchen every morning. She always caused our days to start with a smile! She's been gone six months now but she was special and will always be with us as we share those special memories.___It meant a lot to this dad to receive this request from his grown son :-)

1 comment:

Sonja said...

So sweet... great way to remember some special things about your dog.